Saturday 8 May 2010

North India

Drive to Agra - pepsi/coke walls - beeping - tooting - funny horn jingles - people carriers = trucks with standing passengers - trucks decorated with bright colours - tyre shops - steel rods - plastic sheets - mechanics - dusty roads - dusty air - dust on sandals - dust on feet - dust on knuckles grip bike handle bars - "madam, how do you like your money?" - roundabout slum - children at traffic lights - apartment porter - welcoming family - aunty Lalitha - aunty Meena - auspicious - Delhi wedding extravaganza - train to Jaipur - railtrack slums - rows of shacks - slum upon slum - taking a dump on the tracks - "yes possibility" - "as you like" - camels - cows - dogs - heat exhaustion - "very nice silk shop, you see?" - "madam, where you from?" - vegatable piles and sellers on the pavement in Johari bazaar - stinging eyes - " like my service?"

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